
INSTRUCTIONS: Drafting a claim letter and sending it to the appropriate receiver

THESE ARE THE INSTRUCTIONS TO DRAFT A CLAIM LETTER ANS=D SENDING IT TO THE APPROPRIATE USER: 1. Describe the item or service you bought and the problem. Include serial or model numbers, and the name and location of the seller. If you’re following up on a conversation, be sure to say who you spoke with and confirm the details of your discussion 2.S tate exactly what you want done   and how long you’re willing to wait for a response. Be reasonable. 3.D on’t write an angry, sarcastic, or threatening letter.  The person reading your letter probably isn’t responsible for the problem, but may be very helpful in resolving it. 4.I nclude copies   of relevant documents , like receipts, work orders, and warranties. You also may want to send copies of emails and notes from conversations you’ve had with the seller about the problem. Keep your originals. 5.I nclude your name and contact information . If an account is involved, be sure to include the account number.                          


                                                  CALCULATOR A calculator is an electronic device used for calculating the output ny giving input of two or more oprands and the function that is to be performed on these oprands.The function to be performd on these oprands is called a operation.A calculator consistsof vaious components . 1. Solar Panel : This calculator needs no batteries because it has a solar panel on the top right-hand corner of the face.  The calculator must be used with enough light    to show up on the display. for the numbers 1. Solar Panel : This calculator needs no batteries because it has a solar panel on the top right-hand corner of the face.  The calculator must be used with enough light for the numbers to show up on the display. 3. ON/C BUTTON :  The ON/C button turns the calculator on. The C in ON/C means “clear”.  ON/C also clears the display screen. 5. CALCULATION BUTTONS : Once a number is displayed on the screen, the calculation